Michael Parker

My underlying ethos is always to remember first and foremost that we are a service industry, and to understand and empathise with the clients’ needs whilst giving practical and professional advice. At the same time, accessibility and responsiveness are key. With my colleagues, my door is always open, either actually or virtually. Any support and mentoring I can give are freely given and I’m particularly motivated by helping to bring the strands of an international business together.

Michael has advised a wide range of insurers on issues from credit risk, to marine cargo and transit liability issues. That has extended to advising many freight forwarders and their Trade Federations on their liabilities under the various transit regulatory regimes, including dealing with HMRC enquiries. In a similar vein, he has advised a large number of food exporters and their Trade Federation on issues with DEFRA and HMRC including high profile cases such as the BSE disease.