People Management Magazine features Fiona Blakey article on improving diversity in the boardroom

31 May 2024

Despite there now being much more awareness of diversity in the workplace there is still a lack of women, ethnic minority and disabled employees in senior and decision-making positions.

Employment Law Partner Fiona Blakey writes about how businesses can improve diversity within the boardroom in an article published online by People Management Magazine.

Speaking about the inequality highlighted in various statistical reports from listed businesses and larger private companies Fiona said: “it is clear that achieving greater diversity in the boardroom and in senior management requires taking conscious and positive action. It doesn’t just ‘happen’ by chance or accident.”

Writing about how companies can promote boardroom diversity, Fiona also discussed the benefits of ensuring companies have a diverse management team, stating: “Boards and businesses should understand that diversity is a long-term and multi-faceted journey and that to build and maintain diversity there must be proactive planning and consistent prioritisation of self-evaluation and development”, further adding: “It is essential to understand that how directors and senior managers conduct themselves and their ways of working will help or hinder the efforts of an organisation to become more diverse and consequently more effective.”

Read the full article in People Management Magazine here.

Fiona Blakey
Partner - Employment.
Fiona Blakey is a Partner Solicitor at Spencer West. She specialises in employment law with extensive expertise in advisory work in a commercial context having worked both in private practice and for a significant period of time in-house within high profile organisations.