London tube strike: Amanda Lennon outlines what HR teams need to know

Commuters in London have faced disruption this week due to a strike involving 10,000 tube workers.

Issues like this require a swift response from HR teams. Our employment partner Amanda Lennon discussed the issues with HR Grapevine, saying:

“The pandemic has already forced employers to look at more flexible working policies, so they ought to be able to react quickly to this week’s strikes and offer flexibility to allow staff whose journeys are affected to work from home.”

If the industrial action among tube workers in London carries on into the medium to long term, Amanda outlines what employers need to think about:

“If more travel disruption is likely, employers need to look at longer term solutions which may include allowing staff to work from home more often where this is possible for their role, introducing different working patterns or making arrangements for critical staff to travel to the office by taxi for example.”

The article is available for HR Grapevine subscribers to read here.